Microsoft trying to optimize my life... Ok, my sort of sabbatical has lasted over a year, me and God have mildly argued about whether to get back out here (I dream of deleting everything, He says I need to own it and apologize more), and lately I'm cranky with Noom while I'm doing baclofen for a rather disturbing frozen neck crisis that wouldn't be such a big deal if I'd just shut up and take my pills like a good pharmabot. Kinda missed squashing all my thoughts into one sentence. 😁 I dreamed I was talking to Josie last night and then found her sorta new twitter first thing this morning. She was shadowbanned for so long it was impossible to find her for a couple years. Anyway, my gaming life is Elvenar, AdoptMe, and still doing singleplayer 1.12.2 moc minecraft. The rest seems to be gone. And we know how used to that being left in the dust feeling I am. Moving on. I'm optimizing my life without all that, thanks anyway, MS. MS is not the Jesus of the digital world...
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