7 years of Pinky

I turned off auto renew on my pinkyguerrero domain today. I first nabbed it 7 years ago and had a bit of sport mocking the porn industry about it. I'd thought about letting it go before now but continued because it was still such a big deal and it was kind of like being front lines fighting the sex industry that farms humans and accounts like slaves. But I'm done now. If I'd been quicker on my feet this year I'd have let Lexxperience go, too, but I'll do that next auto renew.

I was shown my old Lexxperience path in a dream the other night. The fandom is a spiritual wasteland, dregs of aging porn, drug, and alcohol addicts with nowhere to go. So what if I had stuck to my plan to create the coolest biggest fansite ever. Every bit of it is a waste. It doesn't matter if I shine at all in the kind of musty dark that never evolves or grows in a way conducive to actual human spiritual growth. It's just another big distraction.

I'll renew LittleLexx on schedule out of respect for Myke salvaging it.

I'm directly shown other things now daily. I could write it all down but I have a feeling I'm done with forgetting now. I might share a bit later, but I'm busy.

The things I coasted on and invented to occupy my time during anxieties is over. They won't exist in the world to come. No sense hanging on to them.

The blogs will remain for now. They are my free book to the world. Anyone can follow the path through a maze of jungle and see where it all wound up.


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